
Speakeasy Blues

Created by Artana

By Sagrada's designers: Run a 1920s Speakeasy with celebrities, cops, gangsters, bootleg hooch, flappers, bling, sweet jazz, and more!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Upgraded Box Cover Stretch Unlocked + Society Cards Overview!
over 6 years ago – Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 09:57:14 AM

Congratulations - we just unlocked the upgraded box cover stretch goal!  We're going to accent the cover with metallic ink highlights which will totally complement the art style and make things really pop.  The campaign is also starting to pick up speed as we move towards the finish next week so we expect more stretch goals to fall soon! 

We'd like to give a shout out to Board Game Revolution and Board Game Stories who have been running contests about Speakeasy Blues over the past few days.  Welcome to their folks and to all new backers generally - thanks for joining the party and please continue to help spread the word!  On that note, a number of you have been asking what else you can do so here's a graphic anyone can feel free to share in their social feeds and elsewhere to promote the campaign.  We're excited to see just how far we can all take this one!

For the rest of tonight's update, let's get back to game mechanics and more of the goodness.  We’ve talked about your speakeasy and the game board.  Now we’re going to look at all of the different actions those rollin’ dice do, starting with our favorite: SOCIETY!

Taking a Society action lets you take...wait for it...a Society card! And they are cool for two reasons:

  • Rad Historical People. If you know Artana’s games, you know we go deep on the history part. Well the 1920’s gave us oodles of crunchy-crunch to sink our teeth into. Actors, boxers, musicians...legendary, diverse and interesting people. 
  • PLUS - Special powers. Do you like building engines? Yeah, we do too. The Society cards are the engine builders of the bunch, giving you a huge range of unique, bangin’ powers. More efficient actions! Breaking the normal rules of the game! These famous folks let you plan your strategy and make it happen.

Next time we’re going to look at the main way you win the game: through your Collections!  But for now, thank you all for making this newest journey another success and thank you for your support!

Team Artana

Another Stretch Goal Unlocked + Game Board Overview
over 6 years ago – Tue, Nov 07, 2017 at 10:03:37 AM

It's been a great day here for the campaign!  We just unlocked the $15k stretch goal which means all of the Reputation Tokens are being upgraded from punch to wood.  Let's keep knocking down stretch goals and get all of the punch tokens out of the game for upgraded goodness!

In other news, Board Game Closet just posted a new review and loved Speakeasy Blues!  We've added their impression to the page along with a link to the video.

And now, with the daily news out of the way, let's get back to talking about the game itself.  This is the second in a series of short updates we've planned to introduce you to various components.  Today, we're talking about: The Game Board.

So...Speakeasy Blues is a die rolling action placement game. Nice, popular mechanics. But what makes it really fun is the way it brings YOUR Speakeasy to life! And it all happens on the game board - a big, chunky table centerpiece that gives you:

  • 14 different spots to put your dice. Some of them are going to be blocked, so you are only going to have limited choices. Each spot gives you access to different things, which we’ll tell you more about in future updates… 
  • All the goodies! The different types of cards, the hooch, the jazz, the favors, the events - yum! 
  • Your hopes and dreams. If you don’t make sweet music here, you’re going to have a speakeasy full of squares!

That's all for today. In our next update, we’re going to introduce you to the Society cards!  Until then, please keep spreading the word!

Thank you for your support.

Team Artana

Huge Stretch Goals Update
over 6 years ago – Tue, Nov 07, 2017 at 04:01:10 AM

Greetings Beautiful Backers!

The campaign is chugging along nicely, but is beginning to slow down as expected from the rush of the first few days.  To help keep momentum moving, we just added a massive list of juicy new stretch goals!  

It's time to stretch for some sweetness - highlight everything with metallic ink, let you all vote on a cool first player marker, throw out all the punch, bring on the wood tokens, silk screen everything, and more!  We wanted to show you our vision for how great Speakeasy Blues can be if we all spread the word and hit these targets.

And beyond?  Well of course "and beyond?" because we're not done yet!  But we'll all talk about that when we come to it... :-)  For now, enjoy the campaign, get ready for even more updates to come, and please help spread the word!

Thank you, as always, for your support.

Team Artana

Introducing the Speakeasy Board
over 6 years ago – Tue, Nov 07, 2017 at 04:01:03 AM

First, the campaign.  You guys are fantastic and we're rolling along nicely!  The $12.5k stretch goal just unlocked and all player Speakeasy boards will now be accented with metallic ink.  We think this goes perfectly with the deco art style and is going to make the boards really pop.  Plus, as (we hope!) you unlock other stretch goals, we'll be adding more metallic ink to other components which is going to make everything look super sweet!  So please keep spreading the word and let's unlock some more stretch goals - wooden reputation tokens look to be just around the corner!

Now, on to the title of the update.  We're going to be sending a number of updates over the next week or so detailing various components and mechanics of Speakeasy Blues to give you a better sense of the game.  For our first update in this series, we're covering your player Speakeasy board.

In Speakeasy Blues, as you probably guessed, it’s all about the Speakeasies. Each player has their own and you’re competing to make yours the talk of the town. Also known as a gin joint or a blind pig, your own personal speakeasy is represented in two different ways:

  • Your Speakeasy card. Based on a real, famous, 1920s era Speakeasy, your card gives you a unique start since each Speakeasy has different resources and starting conditions available. There are 10 Speakeasy cards to pick from, so every game is going to be new and interesting.
  • Your Speakeasy board. This is where the magic happens during the game. Every Speakeasy board has four spots to place cards. You can choose from Society, Collection, and Crime cards. And each of these cards do very different things (check out future updates to learn more!) so you need to be smart about how you organize them in your Speakeasy. Only the top card in each spot can have their powers activated at any time, so choosing who, what, and when to add to your Speakeasy becomes the starting point of your strategy.

 The speakeasy! It’s where it all happens: the famous people! The hooch! The jazz music! The soirees!

More updates soon to come and please keep spreading the word!  Have a wonderful weekend everyone and thank you all for your support.

Team Artana